mid sem break

today is the last day for our class before mid sem break....
heaven gleeeeeee
xde mood nk g klas actually pg td,,
coz kt otak ni juz pk nk balik uma je
aku da call my sister that aku nk balik mlm
sbb mls nk terkejar2...
then my mom juz call td,,she ask me to balik gak ptg ni
at 1st,i thought die xsbr nk tggu aku balik
but actually the truth is die nk suh aku jd baby sitter jap
my parents nk g hospital,,nk visit my uncle ygg kne heart attack bru2 ni
tu la pasal die smgt nk suh aku balik nk jage bdk kecik ni ha
then,,terpaksa la aku follow gak g hospital but my mom suh jge kt bwh je,,
die xnk my nephew kaco patient kt ctu...t bsing
bdk ni kalo nangis leh thn gakk
aku pon pk xpe la coz
da 3 weeks aku x balik uma,,,miss so much my nephew
layankn je la my mom pnye permintaan...


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