
1.aku keliru menjadi buntu arah yang ingin ku tuju rasa resah ku kian celaru dengan ilham ku tempuh aku cuma mahukan bayangan resah ku akan hilang tapi keadaan memaksa menghadapi semua OO.. OH OO..OH 3 .. HIGHSCHOOL ROCKER!!! it started off as a reason a reason for the season the plan of the mission was about to go the other way of possition a multi expedition time after time it helds me up! now im in a mess such a stress i dont wanna know where it goes how it flows never mind lets go to a better place, off this chase i will leave it all so i better run away coz all i wanna be is just a (C/O) HIGHSCHOOL ROCKER! A MIGHTY MIGHTY STOPPER! NOTHING..S GONNA CHANGE MY MIND TO BLOW! JUST ANOTHER BELIEVER! A LOUSY LOUSY LOVER! NOTHING..S GONNA CHANGE MY MIND TO BLOW! its off alone to be a disaster and closer to the answer the cross of my finger could be more than just a WAY! TO! SEE!! what i will be and strike away to be me time after time it wakes me up! now im in a mess such a stress i dont wanna know where it goes how it flows never mind lets go to a better PLACE! off this CHASE! i will leave it all so i better run away coz all i wanna be is just a (C/O) 2X C/O Inikah revolusi atau hanya ilusi bagaikan mimpi jadi realiti Rasional diriku rasional dirimu penentu masa masa depan ku adakah masa menjadi punca diriku dalam dilema benarkah anjakkan paradigma susuli ku terima aku cuma mahukan bayangan resah ku akan hilang tapi keadaan memaksa menghadapi semua C/O dan C/O lagi.. sam bunkface. 2 .. SILLY LILY!! SILLY LILY!! walking over me like a desperation going to explain but the nightmare and illusions she wont happen to believe that its on me waiting for a sign everytime she comes its getting so unreal to BELIEVE ! THAT ! EVERYDAY!!! (C/O) SILLY LILY!! NEVER REALLY LIKED ME SHE TOLD EVERYONE THAT I WAS SUCH A GAY BUT SILY LILY!! THOUGHT IT WOULD BE EASY HER PHILOSOPHY IS BEING LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE OF ME SILLY LILY, walking over me like an ordinary girl i would ignore to pass the time but the nightmare and illusions she makes everything so right it got me going everytime waiting for a sign everytime she comes its getting so unreal to BELIEVE ! THAT ! EVERYDAY !!! (C/O) SILLY LILY, like an impact strike on mtv SILLY LILY, like a new beginning to believe SILLY LILY, like an activated misery SILLY LILY, like a rush towards the possibilities


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