Audit Day..


Actually this is my second year and 2 months working in my current company.
Nearly every year we have audit in terms of quality or extension of scope from internal or external.
I've never participate directly to this audit work.

But for today, I need to participate from opening to closing. The schedule of this audit is 2 weeks time. What the **

And I have been present and been interviewed almost 1 working days.
As for now la.
I am not sure next week they will interview me again or not.

For this 2 years, I never go what ever type of interview and this time, I dont know why, I felt very nervous.
I have go to toilet almost 5 times today because of too nervous.

The auditors ask so many questions about our system and the process of the job.
I am just afraid that they will detect some big issue which I cannot explain.
I pray that all process will be going smoothly and no NCR given to me and my section.

Today I just being nervous la.
Ya Allah, tolong permudahkan segalanya bagiku. Amin.

Hamba Allah yang naif.


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