
Showing posts from January, 2012

cuti-cuti malaysia

after balik broga tu aq memg heaven gle,,yg g broga tu pon da rse heaven Blik uma je lg heaven,, Sb2 aq attend wedding kwn indian aq ngn kwn2 AHad kne attend wedding ank kazen belah ayh aq Monday tu cuti sempena CNY,,sumorg public Ktorg 1 family pon g bercuti,,mule2 plan nk g PD Tp ble da smpai arinye ktorg g Teluk Kemang,still dlm PD Tpteluk Kemang pon bez gle,,mule2 aq ingt mls nk mndi Tp bile tasya da goda2 aq,aq pon cair Mulenye aq xnk mndi sbb xnk jd cm kt Teluk batik, Abis aq burn,ngn muke,tgn,kaki sume la Xthn pnye psl,,mls la nk kisah psl burn ke x Abis2 mndi,,tkr baju Then bbq plak,,mkn nasi,meehun,hotdog,nugget,ayam,telur.. Sume bnde aq telan..smpai kt uma je perut aq wt hal,,tkak rse loya tp xleh nk muntah.. Seksa gle mlm 2,,memg aq xtdo la Asyik ulang alik ke toilet je tp kali ni prut aq len dr yg len Byk gle angin dlm perut,,perut keras gle,kembung pon ade Then kol bape aq xingt,akhirnye aq dpt muntah gak Aq da jnji ngn member aq sbnrnye nk dtg uma die...

aq,dia dan kamu

Don't know how to start this issue.. It juz full with scandals.. Which one is better for me?? The one that love me??or The one that I love??or The one that I will love?? Which one?? I don't want to pick the wrong one,, Which path I need to take?? The straight one??easy path but don't know whether it will find my happiness OR The path that full with challenges but I don't know too whether it will make me happy or not.. Do I need to hope for something that I don't know the result? Or The one that there was in front of me always?? This life never be easy for me,you and anyone in this world..


Sepnanjg study week n final exam ni,,everything happen N aq berkampung kt uma member2 aq,,sbb mls nk ulang alik dr uma,,tkot t'lpas exam..then duduk ngn dorg leh wt discussion Paper Final exam tok sem ni la yg pling sush gle.. yg pk snang b4 ni pon jd sush. Tok celebrate ktorg da abis paper,,ktorg da plan tok mendaki broga hill pd 20 hb jan,,time nk be'tolak kol 2 pg tp bese la ade yg lmbt ade yg x siap lg,,akhirnye ktorg b'tolak kol aggaran 3.30 pg(aq pon x sure time sbnrnye) Yg join trip ni,aq of cos,aza,naima,ika,moknak,kak ann,s.a.,azim,syazwan,seth,aki n maliki Ktorg pg dgn 3 kete,stiap 1 kete 4 org passenger,2 laki 2 pompuan.. Aq nek ngn syazwan(aka driver haha),aki n naima.. Then perjalanan pon d mulakn,,kete aq yg mula2 memecut then kete azim n s.a. Bese la kalo g trip ni msti akn de yg sesat,,mula2 pon da de yg sesat,,lumrah la 2,lg2 wktu pg2 buta mcm ni..msing2 ngntok Pg tu memg sesat je keje ktorg,,pnt da aq duduk kt kete Da la kete satria neo,xl...


Pg ni aq da plan nk g study kt PTAR uitm So pg2 aq da kemas uma sbb nk kuar awal.. Then aq cri la helmet aq yg lame da aq x pkai.. Skali bile aq cri x jmpe,,aq da rse bengang aq tnye 2 org adik laki aq sbb xde sape da nk pkai helmet aq tu Bile aq tnye dua2 tu xnk ngaku Aq ape lg,,mengamuk la kt c2 Aq mrh gle,,dorg xnk ngaku,,aq syak gle dorg Ni msti dorg bg pinjm kt kwn2 dorg Lpas 2 xnk ngaku Aq geram gle bile bnde aq nk gne xde,,da la d saat2 genting Esok aq da nk exam tp mcm x tau ape2 je ble study kt uma Pnye la aq bengang ari ni.. Da la waktu2 cmni aq pnye date line aq da nk smpai Skali bnde ni jd,,ngamuk gle la aq Aq mrh,bengang,nk nangis,bnci,rimas,mcm2 perasaan Lg2 ble aq skrg tgh kecewa dgn org2 yg aq percaya gle Tp mcm ni yg dorg bls.. Beban gle aq rse skrg..

horrible feeling

Sometimes u will feel u live in this world alone.. Not because u r alone but there are people juz take an easy on u,, At first u don't care n don't want to alert But it juz hurt ur feeling whenever u memorize it in once, u want cry hard but cant, Why it become hard juz on u?? U want to throw out too but also can't Every promise that jus made before is valueless. It juz go on one side only,,no respond from others.. It hurt again.. Once u want to reveal everytime,,it juz stuck there U juz be too nice. They juz pretend to be nice but In reality they r truely 'setan' in this world. Look,,now I juz swear,, Sometimes I feel that no body is truely nice. Especially when u trust hard to them but they juz break everything,,nothing less than ur own people Don't give promise if u know that u can't keep it.. Last word,,go to hell yaaaa.. >:o

doa solat istigharah

Ya Allah, aku memohon petunjuk kebaikan kepada-Mu dengan ilmu-Mu. Aku memohon kekuatan dengan kekuatan-Mu. Ya Allah, seandainya Engkau tahu bahwa masalah ini baik untukku dalam agamaku, kehidupanku dan jalan hidupku, jadikanlah untukku dan mudahkanlah bagi dan berkahilah aku di dalam masalah ini. Namun jika Engkau tahu bahwa masalah ini buruk untukku, agamaku dan jalan hidupku, jauhkan aku darinya dan jauhkan masalah itu dariku. Tetapkanlah bagiku kebaikan dimana pun kebaikan itu berada dan ridhailah aku dengan kebaikan itu". (HR Al Bukhari)
ni my ank buah..comey x???saje nk kongsi.. 1st time dpt ank buah excited gle..umo die da sebuln lbih.. die sgt kecik.. i love you MUHAMMAD A'ISY DAMIEN